Personal Information of James Rodriguez.

On this page you will find, personal information, daily routine activities performed and as the home of James Rodriguez.
this is James Rodriguez
Nationality: Colombian
Hometown: Cucuta, Colombia
Famous for: playing football
Date of birth: July 12, 1991 
Age: 25 years
Father: Wilson James Rodríguez Bedoya 
Mother: Maria Del Pilar Rubio
Wife: Daniela Ospina
Daughter:  Salome Rodriguez

James David Rodríguez Rubio was born on 12 July 1991 in Cúcuta, Colombia, to Wilson James Rodríguez Bedoya and Maria Del Pilar Rubio. His father was also a football player who had been a part of the 1985 U-20 side and had also played for the Colombian national team.
James Rodríguez is a Colombian professional footballer who plays for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Colombia national team and is often ranked among the best young players in the world. He plays as an attacking midfielder or winger and is known for his technique and playmaking skills—he plays on both wings and also in the centre.

Having started his training in football early, he blossomed into a talented player by the time he was in his early teens and turned professional at the age of 15 with the Colombian second division club Envigado. After a successful stint in his home country, he was signed by Argentine team Banfield, where he made his team debut in 2009.